You've been working hard on your business...

... but when you look closely, your stomach churns.

You're barely making enough
to cover your weekly coffee date with the girls!

To top it all...
 You're constantly overwhelmed.
 Your sanity is shot to pieces.
 You look at others celebrate their 6-figure years and you silently ask yourself
"When will it be my turn?"
Hey there, fellow small business owner-in-the-trenches,
Tell me if any of these sound familiar...
  • "My business is growing but I'm always putting out fires and chasing my tail."
  • "I was frustrated by my lack of progress. I was spinning my wheels and was still so badly stuck!"
  • "Overwhelm. That's the state I lived in during my first year of business. Juggling a job, managing the house and trying to build my business played havoc with my hormones, my health."
  • "I don't know what I'm missing. I feel like I'm doing the right things but nothing's working."
Can you relate?
Me too.
The truth is being a business owner isn't easy.
  • Nothing prepares you for the soul-wrenching frustration that raises its ugly head each time you sit down at the laptop to "work" on your business.
  • You butt heads with frustrating roadblocks.
  • You take two steps forward and slide four steps B-A-C-K.
  • You wrangle with tech and battle "inner voice" demons. #impostersyndrome, anyone?
  • You inch painstakingly towards 'success' only to have it slide through your fingers!
  • You fall into bed every day... exhausted and questioning why you ever thought this was a good idea.
  • Yes, shiny photos of 6-figure entrepreneurs may lure us into thinking that running a business is all about high-heeling into First Class and flying to Paris for a photo shoot...
The reality is...
... running a business is like running a marathon,
day-after-day - sweaty, stinky and sapped of all energy.
Which is why...
"20% of small businesses fail in their first year."
{source: Bureau of Labor Statistics}
Nothing prepares small business owners for the reality of growing a business.
Everyone wants the dream - the flexible hours, the ever-increasing income, the enviable work-life balance.
When you jump in and start your business, you realize all of that comes MUCH later.
What comes first is...
.. the confusion - "How do you get your website to show up on Google?" "Do you even need a website? Can't you just sell from Facebook?"

... the overwhelm - "What's a lead magnet?" "Someone told me I need a marketing plan. Where can I get that?"

... the disappointment - "I haven't sold a single bag in the last 6 months." "No one wants to sign up even for a free call!"
No wonder, 20% businesses fold up within the first 12 months.
After working one-on-one with nearly 100 small business owners, I've identified a short-list of reasons most businesses crash and burn...
4 Real Reasons
Small Businesses Struggle to Survive and Rapidly Sink into Oblivion
(and Why Yours Won't!) 
Lacking Clarity On What Actions to Take
Most small business owners jump into business ownership feet first.

That's exciting but also a sure-shot recipe for overwhelm.

You don’t know what you need to do to move your business from one step to the other and more often than not, you end up "chasing your tail!"
Succumbing to Shiny Object Syndrome
Being online is like being in your very own version of Subway Surfer!

You’re moving fast but not really getting anywhere, rushing from one shiny “gold” coin to the other.

You're constantly distracted by the newest graphic design/list-building/insert-whatever- tool, the latest influencer/PR/sales technique or the fancy coach everyone's working with.

And just like Subway Surfer, you have the very real possibility of crashing HARD.

Yes, shiny object syndrome is as real as it can get and its effects are fatal.

Burning out your budget AND your brainpower is the biggest one of all.
Treating Social Media as a Safety Net
Most business owners play a dangerous game... treating social networks like their business hubs while their websites lie neglected and abandoned.

They place their business at the mercy of an algorithm that changes more often than a chameleon does!
Doing it Alone
Instagram memes can push you to "hustle harder" but the fact is…

… going it alone will only take you so far.

You need a safe and supportive community to not just lift you up and cheer you on but also call you out on your B.S. excuses. #truthtelling
What if you could side-step ALL of these mistakes (and then some!)
with a plan designed to place success squarely in your corner?
The G.R.O.W Framework for Successful Businesses
You can study any business, big or small, and you’ll find the G.R.O.W framework in place.

Hint: You don’t need big budgets, big connections or big email lists to GROW!
Now I know what you’re thinking... “Sure, this framework looks solid. But how on earth do I know what to do to get clarity or rev up my revenue? What’s my first step? Or second?”
The answer is THIS

Your 12 Month Business Group Coaching Program
to Failure-Proof Your Business
- with -
Strategy, Clarity and Community
  • Profit Pillars is a ready-to-implement, 12 month group coaching program designed to give your business the bulletproof advantage it needs to protect itself from overwhelm, frustration and heart-breaking failure.
  • With a step-by-step approach and built-in accountability and implementation, this is the only business growth group coaching program that shows you how to put passion and purpose together and generate profits for your business.
  • This 12 month group coaching program is specifically for women small business owners, like you, who want overwhelm-free and proven-to-work strategies for a successful business.
  • You go from working round-the-clock with an unending to-do-list to unplugging for a week; chilling with the kids, during school holidays, while still making a full-time income.
With Profit Pillars, you get

The complete Profit Pillar Training Systems complete with videos, PDF guides and more
to arm you with the core foundations you need for a high-on-profit, low-on-stress business (keep scrolling to see a break down of each learning)
Monthly group coaching calls to answer your questions, help you gain more clarity and give you additional tools and techniques to bust through any remaining blocks and hurdles.
Monthly guest expert sessions  to get tailored advice about particular business related topics (accounting, trademarks, legal and much more).
Private VIP members-only Collaborative to brainstorm and get support from while moving forward at lightning speed.
You don’t do this feeling all lonesome and low. Uh-huh!

You do it with a fierce and focused group of like-minded women small business owners; mentored by
Angela Henderson.
Best part?
Your Mentor, Angela Henderson Has Earned Her
(Profit) Stripes on Small (Business) Street
Heyyyy there! I'm Angela (or Ange to you), my fellow biz BFF!
Like you, I wear many hats - Mother, wife, daughter, friend, sister, and of course, small business owner and coach.

I'm a tell-it-like-it-is business consultant whose clients love her because she lays out the roadmap to move their business forward.

I'm not kidding about the love I get.
On a serious note, I'm NOT one of those coaches who's never owned a business in their life and feel that they can tell you how to run yours.

I've built a successful (yesss, 6-figure!) product-based business and have worked with 100+ clients, both one-on-one and through small group, in-person workshops.
I'm a sought-after speaker as well as host of the Business and Life Conversations podcast.

I've done this while dealing with depression, raising two kids and making lemonade out of life's lemons. #keepingitreal

As owner of Finlee and Me (one of Australia's leading kids product businesses) and Angela Henderson Consulting, I test every.single.strategy on my own business first.

You wouldn't find anything in Profit Pillars that I personally haven't tested and found successful. Period.
As Featured In
“Angela is an excellent business coach and has pushed me beyond the bounds of what I thought was possible in my first year of business. We would not be at the point we are today without Angela's advice and support.”

- Katie Lavercombe
“I've been working with Angela as my business consultant over the past 6 months. Angela has extensive experience with how online business works and how to build the correct foundations for success. She is not only an amazing support but she also has a great network she is able to connect her clients with if necessary.

Angela is incredibly honest and authentic and I would highly recommend her to anyone looking to take their business to the next level. She offers practical solutions and I found it so helpful to have someone I was accountable too. She helped me make some significant changes to my business which have increased my profits and visibility - and as well as being my consultant, has become a good friend too. You won't regret working with her!”

- Cathy - Owner at The Nursery Collective
“I worked with Angela for around 9 months last year and in that time she helped me take my business to the next level. Her knowledge of SEO and the online/blogging space is phenomenal, and she's more than willing to reach out to her huge network if there's anything she isn't sure of.  

She encouraged me to think outside the box with my business, and it helped immensely with the growth I've seen over the past 12 months. Plus she really cares about her clients - I wouldn't hesitate to recommend her as a coach for anyone in the online space!”

- Tracey Davidson
Module 1: Start Smart with Your Perfect Profit Profile
  • This foundational module will help you identify why you're in business, what sets you apart and who’s your ideal customer.
  • You'll dive deep to create a solid point of difference as well as a robust customer profile.
  • You'll create a Perfect Profit Profile to set the foundation for your website, your strategy, and your overall messaging.
Module 2: Architecting Your Profit-Ready Website
  • You'll discover the 5 key components as well as the 3 must-have pages on your site.
  • You'll master the basics of SEO as well as discover the key mistakes most small business owners make with their websites so you can avoid those.
Module 3: The MoneyMaker Map
  • Get clear on what’s really important and where to focus your marketing energies to deliver the best ROI for your biz; then learn exactly what you need to do to really sell your business, so you can convert traffic to sales or prospects to clients.
Module 4: Implementation Week
  • You'll get ONE full week to implement everything you've mastered in the first 3 weeks to start seeing the results of your focused efforts on creating a profitable foundation.
Module 5: Turbo-Powered Email List-Building
  • You'll discover how easy (and inexpensive!) email list building can be with this module.
  • You'll master strategies to set your email list ablaze with new subscribers without having to fork out a fortune on Facebook ads.
Module 6: Simplified Sales Funnels
  • With this module, you'll get clued up about the art of a simple (yet powerful) sales funnel that works like a charm to move your subscribers from your freebie to your paid service without any sleaziness or pushiness.
Module 7: Dream Team Hiring Secrets
  • You'll get access to my best-kept secrets and strategies for hiring a dream team to scale faster without burning out.
  • Not only will you discover what to outsource, you'll also get strategies to outsource on a budget!  
Module 8:Productive & Profitable
  • Revenue projection and cash flow don't have to be scary terms. Managing your calendar shouldn’t give you hives!
  • With this module, you'll get clarity about your revenue goals and how to achieve them.
  • You'll discover how to set income targets that push you forward without overwhelming you.
  • Best part? You’ll discover how to do all of this while mastering your schedule and staying on top of your priorities without stressing about them.
Let's get real...
... Most programs include bonuses that inflate the value of the program so you feel you're getting a steal. None of that sleazy nonsense with Profit Pillars.
Every bonus included here will give you advanced and much-needed skills so you can speed along further without buying more courses and programs.
Mini-Workshop by Guest Expert, Prerna Malik
Discover the keys to crafting compelling welcome email sequences in this take-action-now workshop by conversion copywriting expert and co-founder of Content Bistro, Prerna Malik.
(Value: $497)
Mini-Workshop by Guest Expert,
Belinda Irvine
SEO doesn’t have to be a dark art ruled by the likes of Voldemort! Guest expert Belinda Irvine will help you become a wizard at SEO for your website with simple yet effective strategies.
(Value: $497)
Mini-Workshop by Guest Expert,
Salma Sheriff
Branding is more than just your logo! Guest expert Salma Sheriff walks you through the basics of branding and shows you how to create an aligned brand presence for your business to help you attract your target audience effortlessly.
(Value: $497)
Profit Pillars enrollment NOW OPEN!
Profit Pillars Includes:
  • 12 Month access to Profit Pillars Business Group Coaching Program with Angela Henderson
  • The complete Profit Pillar Training Systems complete with videos, PDF guides and more
  • Trainings and strategies that are always up to date
  • Monthly live strategy sessions
  • Monthly hot seat calls
  • Monthly masterclass with guest expert
  • 24/7 access to our private Facebook Community
  • World class member support
  • Special bonsues and secret surprises
  • Investment of only $4.10 per day over 365 days (when paid in full)
I have worked with Angela as my business coach over the past 12 months and the results are awesome.
Angela's style is a perfect match, having had her own online business for a number of years she understands the ins and outs and her social media knowledge is second to none, and if she doesn't know she tells you straight up and then gives a name to contact who will.

I love her enthusiasm and it is contagious, but I also love that she will tell me straight up if she doesn't like something, which is great as she is giving me a purely "head-business" view rather than my strongly led "heart-emotional" view. Personally the last 6 months have been the hardest 6 months I have ever had and Angela was there every step of the way -not only for my business but for me, she helped me navigate my way through the unknown without completely giving up.

As that is part of Angela's overall philosophy Family First and then everything else falls into place. I can't wait to see what 2018 has in store.”

- Michelle Miles
The Profit Promise
Your enrolment in Profit Pillars is RISK-FREE.
Profit Pillars is unlike anything you’ve ever seen so far.
It’s not a random collection of tips and techniques. It’s a robust program - strategic and tailored to create a solid foundation for your business.

It’s not a program where the course leader doesn’t show up consistently or worse, is missing altogether.

It’s not a program where you simply go through the motions but don’t take any action.

It’s for fired up business owners and NOT serial spectators.

You need to do the work and I’m not afraid to give you #toughlove to make that happen.

Let’s shake hands and keep our promise!
  • Unlike other programs where all the responsibility is placed on your shoulders in Profit Pillars, you're protected by The Profit Promise - a promise between you and me.
  • I promise this program will give you the foundation your business needs to stop struggling and start thriving.
  • You promise me you’ll show up and do the work. Yes, you do have to put in the work to start seeing that progress happen.
  • If within the first 14 days AFTER you start, you feel I haven’t lived up to my promise while you’ve done the work (modules 1 & 2), email my team with your completed worksheets and I’ll be happy to return your investment.
Ready-to-Succeed Women Business Owners Asked These Questions Before High-Fiving Their Way into Profit Pillars
Yes. If you want to give your business a solid foundation so it can thrive instead of struggling and sputtering, I strongly encourage you to join.
Not only will you get radically clear on who to serve and what to offer but you’ll have a vetted-and-tested plan of action to help you market your services and grow your business without burning out.
150% yes!! A business needs a profit-boosting foundation regardless of whether it’s online or a brick-and-mortar store.
Absolutely!! In fact, I’m currently working with TWO artists to help them grow their businesses - online and brick-and-mortar.
All you need to do is show up with the willingness to take action. You need to show up to do the work and put in the effort. It doesn’t have to be perfect or pretty but it has to be done.
You don’t need to be at a certain level… All you need to be is willing and eager to take a good, hard look at your business and work on it.
As a business owner who’s also a wife, mother and woman… I know you don’t have a ton of time on your hands. That’s why the modules are bite-sized but big on impact.
Having said that… You’ll need to set aside 30 minutes a day.
You can do 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes at night.
My strategies are easy to follow and easy to implement. Besides, with my support and that of the other group members, you should be able to crush this course and get your business where it needs to be.
No worries at all. All the calls are recorded so you can easily listen to them at your convenience. 
Yes, if you choose The Growth Stack or The Complete Package, you get one-on-one calls with me.
You are protected by The Profit Promise which gives you a full 14 days after we start Module 1 to see whether or not this program is everything we said it would be (and then some!). If you decide we’ve not kept to our promise, simply email us with your end of the promise - proof of completed worksheets and we’ll refund your payment.
Why Profit Pillars Fits Your Business Needs
Like a Dreamy Pair of Perfect Jeans!
Profit Pillars is perfect for you if YOU are...
  • A corporate career woman with a business you want to grow so you can quit your day job, make a full-time income and spend more time with your family.
  • A woman business owner who's just starting out and wants to avoid making expensive mistakes or dealing with chronic overwhelm.
  • A seasoned small business owner who's been stuck at the same revenue level for an embarrassingly long time. You have big dreams but you've been throwing spaghetti at the wall for so long, you're plain exhausted.
  • A stay-at-home mother who wants to start a business but doesn't know what to do and how to go about it without burning through your family's savings and your kids' education fund!
Whether you're starting out or have been in business for a while, if you're ready to shift from being stuck and stressed to productive and profitable while raising your family, enjoying vacations and getting 8 hours of sleep... you need Profit Pillars.
A Personal Invitation
- to -
Deploy This 12 Month Business Profit Plan and Shift from Struggle to Success
…. waking up every morning with a clear sense of what you need to do to grow your business instead of a mile-long to-do list that only overwhelms you!

You no longer spend sleepless nights and long days burning gigabytes on Google searches trying to figure out how to make this online business thing work.

Your kids enjoy spending time with you and even though you’re working hard, you aren’t crabby or yelling “Let mama work!”

You have sales pouring in and client calls dotting your calendar and you’re taking intentional action to work on your business as well.

You chill out during the weekends and take time off without stressing about yet another month with piddly numbers!

You know what you need to do to keep up the momentum.

You know what’s going to get you to that ‘next’ level.

You know what warning signs to keep an eye out for.

Most importantly, you know that being a small business owner isn’t about being burnt out and overwhelmed.

It’s about turning passions into profits, finding your purpose and doing what you love WHILE making money with it.
This is my invitation to you to make a choice...
You can either continue on the path as is and struggle with chaos, confusion and complete overwhelm.
A no-fail recipe for burnout at 4x speed.
You can join an intimate group of like-minded women small business owners to create your own Profit Pillars for a business that thrives for years instead of merely surviving from one day to the other. 
“ My business is now making money and I have procedures in place that Angela has helped with to continue to make my business grow!”

- Kylie Sharp
Profit Pillars enrollment NOW OPEN!
Profit Pillars Includes:
  • 12 month access to Profit Pillars Business Group Coaching Program with Angela Henderson
  • The complete Profit Pillar Training Systems complete with videos, PDF guides and more
  • Trainings and strategies that are always up to date
  • Monthly live strategy sessions
  • Monthly hot seat calls
  • Monthly masterclass with guest expert
  • 24/7 access to our private Facebook Community
  • World class member support
  • Special bonsues and secret surprises
  • Investment of only $4.10 per day over 365 days (when paid in full)
Need help ordering or have any questions?
If you have any questions or concerns about the course, please contact us.
I can't wait to help you create your own Profit Pillars.
- Angela
© Angela Henderson Consulting. All Rights Reserved.